Setting Your New Year's Intentions

Setting Your New Year's Intentions

As the new year has just begun, it can be daunting to make resolutions and set your intentions for the year ahead. Year after year many of us come up with a list of things we want to accomplish and another list of what we want to change. Research shows that the percentage of people that actually achieve their new year’s resolutions is quite low.

Whether it’s to eat healthier, accomplish more in your work/career, exercise more, take care of your health – including your skin care, and have a solid night’s sleep, anything is possible with the right mindset and when you make your goals simple and attainable.

There is something powerful about writing things down and looking at them often. Use the SMART principal to determine what didn't work for you last year and what you will carry forward into the new year.

S – BE SPECIFIC: What do you want to accomplish?

M – MAKE IT MEASURABLE: How will you know when you accomplish it?

A – MAKE IT ACHIEVABLE: How will you accomplish the goal?

R – RELEVANT: Is this goal worthwhile?

T – TIME-BOUND: When will this goal be accomplished?

Want a better night’s sleep? Here’s what your SMART goal could look:

S:  I will be ready to go to sleep at least 4-5 nights a week before midnight.

M:  I will feel better rested during the daytime and not have dark-circles under my eyes all the time.


  • I will set a reminder alarm on my smartphone at 11:00pm so that I begin to wind down from my day and begin getting ready to sleep.
  • I will schedule time away from my phone after 11:00pm so that social media and internet searching/reading doesn’t keep me up late at night.
  • I will do a meditation or read before bedtime to help me fall asleep.
  • I will use an undereye cream to help with the dark-circles like Zax’s Original Dark Circle Eye Cream.

R:  This goal is important to me and worth pursuing as I’m often tired throughout the day and so a healthier night-time routine can give me a better night’s sleep.

T: By the end of the March, I will have a better sleep schedule that is consistent on most days that I can carry forward for the rest of the year.

Remember to make your SMART goals simple and attainable. What goals about yourself or your skincare routine do you want to accomplish in the year ahead that will bring about a healthier new year, a brighter workday, and a solid night’s sleep.

Written by Alyssa Rolnick, Co-Founder of Zax’s Original Products, Registered Dietitian and Mother of 3 active kids. 

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