A vitamin rich diet not only makes you feel good, but it also helps you look good by reducing the look of fine lines and wrinkles as well as overall aging skin. From moisturizing to treating free radical damage and skin rejuvenation, getting ample vitamins both in your diet and as natural ingredients in topical creams, serums and moisturizers is crucial to achieving radiant skin.
Reduce signs of aging with these 4 skin-friendly vitamins:
1. Vitamin E Vitamin E protects and rejuvenates aging skin by slowing free radical damage. These free radicals can damage collagen and cause dry skin and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. When your skin is exposed to outside factors like the sun, your body produces free radicals or atoms with an uneven number of electrons. These atoms steal electrons from healthy skin cells which in turn, causes aging. Vitamin E is an antioxidant agent that neutralizes the effect of free radicals on your skin. Look for beauty products that contain Vitamin E oil and make sure to consume a diet rich in plant-based oils, nuts, seeds and fruits and vegetables such as red bell peppers, pumpkin, kiwi and spinach.
2. Vitamin B3 Vitamin B3, also known as Niacin, not only is important for heart, brain and digestive health, but is important for your skin's health too. It helps reduce facial redness while increasing the production of fatty acids, an important component of your skin’s protective layer. It also slows the production of pigment in skin cells which minimizes dark spots on the face. To treat dark spots (also known as age spot and sunspot) and facial redness, look for products made with Vitamin B3. Consume this vitamin through your diet by eating nuts and seeds, legumes, cereal grains, as well as lean chicken, fish and sirloin steak.
3. Vitamin C Vitamin C is an antioxidant that like vitamin E inhibits the production of free radicals. But not only does it slow production, it can reverse DNA damage. It can even reduce the damage done to the skin due to over exposure the sun's UVB rays. It is also the key to the production of collagen, the protein that keeps your skin firm. Ensure your diet has plenty of vitamin C by including citrus fruits and vegetables such as grapefruit, oranges, bell peppers, cauliflower, broccoli, spinach, collard greens and tomatoes into your diet daily. You can also apply topical serums and creams that contain L'ascorbic acid form of Vitamin C.
4. Vitamin K New to the beauty scene, vitamin K is great for reducing the appearance of dark under eye circles. It’s a fat soluble vitamin that can diminish darkness under the eye by increasing blood flow to that area. It can even help the skin maintain elasticity, which reduces skin sagging as well as wrinkles. Vitamin K is also important in helping the body's process of blood clotting, a deficiency can therefore cause one to bruise more easily. You may find some eye serums and anti-aging face products now include vitamin K. To increase vitamin K in your diet, consume green leafy vegetables such as cooked kale, mustard greens and raw spinach and broccoli. There are many other sources of this vitamin in protein foods, fruits, nuts and legumes. It's important to note that you should not take Vitamin K supplements if you're on blood thinners, always check with your doctor.
Many of these vitamins and more can be consumed in enough quantity in your diet. However, if you chose to take oral supplements and vitamin pills, always check with your doctor to make sure they're right for you!
Written by Alyssa Rolnick, Co-Founder of Zax’s Original Products, Registered Dietitian and Mother of a very busy household.